Today’s Kanye-ism…When & Where to Say “Baby”

The term Kanye-ism started from the Huffington Post. Kanye-ism is simply a sometimes ridiculous, sometimes thought-provoking, sometimes arrogant tweet from the man himself.

If you do nothing productive for the day, you must read some of our favorite international asshole’s tweets…

Today, I leave you with when, where and how to use the term “baby”:

“Don’t you hate when people call you by your name when they talk to you… when you talk to me call me baby or babe if it’s business…I think it’s only ok for a dude to call you baby if they’re a Hollywood agent and you kind of cringe when they say it or if yall hooping…Or if you’re doing ad libs at the beginning of a rap song like baby baby c’mon baby baby c’mon baby baby c’monnnnnnnnnnnnn…”

Hey baby!