Political Penis Flow…..Weiner’s Weener Really Hits the Net (Yawn)


Initially, I titled the Weiner post, “Wait Til You See My D*ck,” off of that raunchy, yet catchy song by the Ying Yang Twins (hey, lil mama lemme whisper in ya ear….)…Anywho, according to Page Six (and my own personal research), there actually ARE photos that surfaced exposing dude’s penis. Just how did his dick leak (gross, sorry)? Blogger Andrew Breitbart showed a copy of the photo Sirus XM’s shock jocks Opie and Anthony. They took a pic of the pic (yeah, a picture of the picture) and it began to spread like wildfire. Although I would LOVE to post the pic….1. I’m not into political penis (eh…sometimes) and 2. I don’t feel like hassling w/ a cease and desist…so, go here to take a look-see —-> boom. Anywho, Weiner’s having a baby.