Georgetown Parents Oppose Jay-Z Class, Michael Eric Dyson Responds

Georgetown University introduced a class on Jay-Z earlier this semester, called “Sociology of Hip-Hop — Urban Theodicy of Jay-Z,” with Michael Eric Dyson as the teacher. Dyson is a respected professor, radio host, author, and minister. And he feels that Jay-Z’s lyrics have been positively influential from a sociological perspective. But Georgetown parents are not so sure. Many of them do not approve of the new Jay-Z class, which filled to over-capacity the first week it was offered.

In defense of the course, Dyson says,

“I’m sure there’s a lot of push-back from some students’ parents. But I tell them, ‘Bring your parents in here. Let them see what we’re doing. It might change their minds…’ This is not a class meant to sit around and go, ‘Oh man, those lyrics were dope.’ We’re dealing with everything that’s important in a sociology class: race, gender, ethnicity, class, economic inequality, social injustice… His body of work has proved to be powerful, effective and influential. And it’s time to wrestle with it… Hip-hop has globalized a conception of blackness that has had a political impact, whether or not it had a political intent.”

In the class, he compares Jay-Z’s work to the work of other influential figures like W.E.B Du Bois and Biggie. The chairman of Georgetown’s sociology department, Timonthy Wickham-Crowley, also supports the class.

“When [Dyson] comes out of the classroom, he has students in tow and there are these animated, engaged conversations going on.”

Whose Side Are YOU On?

Source: VIBE
