Russell Simmons Daughter Aoki Lee Says Racist Classmate Keeps Calling Her N-Word – ‘You’re Going To Stop Disrespecting Me’

Aoki Lee Simmons

Russell Simmons Daughter Aoki Lee Says Racist Classmate Keeps Calling Her N-Word – ‘You’re Going To Stop Disrespecting Me’

Aoki Lee Simmons is all grown up and calling out her racist classmate on Instagram. The daughter of Russell Simmons and Kimora Lee Simmons said she’s had enough of her classmate’s disrespect during a video and snapshots she posted on Instagram Thursday. And the fans are here for it honey.

“I know it’s not just me and we all have these kinds of problems. But I am so over people at my school being racist and no one doing anything about it,” she said in a live video.

Let’s be clear, baby girl said she has NO time to deal with these people as she has other things on her plate like trying to get into Yale and Harvard.

“I don’t have time for you. And this particular kid, I swear, all day long he cannot stop saying the N word. It’s like his favorite thing to say. He just cannot… I don’t even use it like that. He just loves to use it and see how far he can push it. And all of his friends don’t care. They all think they’re ‘woke’ nice good people, but they don’t stop him.”

She said he’s bullied her on many occasions. One time, she said she was doing all the work during a group project for class. She said she, like most of us, started mumbling to herself while she was writing.

“I guess he found that weird,” she said.

“And then he goes ‘N*gger are you on crack or something?’”

She seems like she expressed her disbelief as much as she could. She later added in a few photos and wrote,

“I can’t fight every single person who uses racial slurs, but you can be damn sure you’re not going to call me the N word in class during group work. I can’t stand ppl sometimes you think that stuff doesn’t happen in a nice school or a nice neighborhood, but rest assured it does. I’ve had ENOUGH. You’re gonna stop telling me I’m not black cause I’m mixed. You’re going to stop telling me ‘I’m the only black person who doesn’t like being called a nigga’ and you’re going to stop disrespecting me cause I’ve had it. You know who you are or one of your lil friends can tell you since I have you blocked.”

She went on to say,

“You can be an ‘angry black girl’ or you can be a ‘quiet studious black girl’ or you can be a black and proud girl or all three and you can go through life not provoking anyone and people will still go out of their way to voice their hate and attack you. It’s disgusting. Honestly if you’re a hateful mess inside keep that to yourself and get some help!”

She made it clear she’s not going to let blatant racism be “shuffled” aside because people think he’s a nice guy.

“If you are racist or racially insensitive you should lose friends and popularity until you stop or apologize or stop vocalizing it.”

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments. 

By –Char Patterson

Authored by: TJB Writer