Marlon Wayans’ Daughter Came Out As Lesbian to Him At 14-Years Old: She Said, Dad I Kissed A Girl & I Think I Liked It

Marlon Wayans’ Daughter Came Out As Lesbian to Him At 14-Years Old: She Said, Dad I Kissed A Girl & I Think I Liked It

Funny man Marlon Wayans‘ kids are no laughing matter. June is National LGBTQ Pride Month, and his 19-year-old daughter Amai celebrated her sexuality with a rainbow-soled Instagram photo. He reposted it with a loving caption, and was met with loads of homophobic comments. He said:

“Happy pride to my pride and joy. I wouldn’t change one effing thing about you. Love you to the moon around the sun through the galaxies and back again.”

In a recent interview with “The Cruz Show,” he hilariously shared how his baby girl came out as lesbian to him. Marlon said:

“She told me when she was 14. She said, ‘Dad, I kissed a girl and I think I liked it.’ And I said, ‘Really, b*tch? You gon’ break the news to me in the form of a Katy Perry song? Why Katy Perry, though? Pick an artist I like! Does Aretha Franklin have anything? Does Beyonce have anything you can come out the closet to?”

He continued, adding that he loves his kids no matter the circumstance:

“But I don’t judge my kids. I love them! It teaches you unconditional love. I think kids need the embrace of parents so they don’t feel like they’re alone and they’re being judged. And I think it’s my job to love my kid. Now everybody’s like, ‘Well, the bible say!’ We don’t know- the bible say don’t have premarital sex, so if you gon be in hell, everybody gon’ be in there together!”

What do you think about Marlon Wayans’ comments?

Written by Miata Shanay

Authored by: Miata Shanay