Kwame Brown Tells Charlamagne ‘F*** Your Apology’

Kwame Brown Tells Charlamagne ‘F*** Your Apology’

Update #2 (May 25th): Kwame Brown has responded to Charlamagne’s apology and made it clear he doesn’t accept. The former basketball player went live for more than an hour yesterday (May 24th) to explain why.

He began by saying the radio personality should apologize to Jessica Reid, the woman Charlamagne was accused of sexually assaulting 20 years ago. He said he wants to interview her so she can share her story.

“I don’t know what happened, but in my opinion, she is the one who deserves an apology. So I’m gonna have to say, respectfully, with all due pleasure, I do not, only behalf of my family in South Carolina… myself, all of my brothers, my 16-year-old son who didn’t know that bulls***, and all the people in America that did not know that bulls***, so on behalf of all of us, I have to say f*** your apology.”

See his full video below:

Original Story (May 24th): Charlamagne has crowned himself “Donkey of the Day”  as he apologized to former basketball player Kwame Brown. 

Their drama started after Kwame Brown first blasted retired NBA star, Matt Barnes, last week.

Charlamagne told The Breakfast Club listeners to “leave Kwame Brown alone” and brought up Kwame’s family history involving Kwame’s father allegedly killing his girlfriend with an ax handle and his brother allegedly committing a murder-suicide.

Kwame responded and referenced a 2018 rape case where Charlamagne was accused of sexually assaulting a woman named Jessica Reid in 2001.

Now, Charlamagne has replied with an apology, giving himself The Breakfast Club’s “Donkey of the Day.”

He said,

“I want to apologize to Kwame Brown and Kwame Brown’s family. I want to apologize to his father Bill Brown and the family of his father. Last week on this radio in my attempt to defend a Charleston, South Carolina born brother like myself, I revealed too much information about that man’s family. Even though all that stuff is public record, some things don’t need to be said on the radio and they definitely don’t need to be said by me.”

He continued,

“When I look back on the way I communicated that, I communicated it all wrong. I unintentionally triggered trauma with a lot of folks who I grew up with and intentionally love. I’m sure I caused a lot of pain for not only Kwame Brown but for his family…”

He went on to reveal that he spoke to some of Kwame’s relatives.

“I’ve been on the phone this weekend with mothers of children and their children… I was on the phone with sisters… I was apologizing for triggering them, causing them pain, because I was casually discussing their family’s trauma, and that’s something that I have to stop doing. That’s something we all have to stop doing.”

He said he didn’t realize how many people were impacted by his remarks.

“That’s generational. I caused pain and unintentionally poked at people’s wounds. Wounds that will probably never heal. I can’t take back those words but I can apologize. I think oftentimes we, meaning black people, we fight each other with our demons, whether true or false. Whatever is the worst thing we know about a person or think we know about a person, we default to that. And that was not my intention. I was not in any way, shape, or form trying to paint Kwame in a negative light…”

He then saluted Kwame for his time in the NBA before stating that he refuses to have a feud “with another black man for nothing.”

“As y’all know, I have a lot of real enemies that are gunning for me every day. Kwame Brown is not gonna be one of them. I totally understand why Kwame Brown was upset at me. I went low, that wasn’t my intention. But in hindsight it was low, and Kwame took it to the floor with me. Y’all be online so excited ready to see black people go back and forth and tear each other down. I’m not doing that. I’m not going back and forth if I feel like I’ve wronged somebody.”

He added that he hopes one day he can make things right in Kwame, but in the. meantime he refuses to feud with someone whose from the same town as him.

What are your thoughts on Charlamagne’s apology? Comment nad let us know.

Authored by: TJB Writer