John Legend Calls Out Racist Real Estate Industry: Realtors Don’t Show Black People All The Properties They Qualify For

John Legend
John Legend Calls Out Racist Real Estate Industry: Realtors Don’t Show Black People All The Properties They Qualify For
John Legend has taken to social media, to address the real estate industry. On Friday, June 26th, it was announced that the Houston Association of Realtors is no longer using the word “master” to describe bedrooms and bathrooms when showing homes to potential buyers, instead “master”will be replaced with “primary”. The change actually happened early June when it was changed on The Houston Association of Realtors’ property listing database. Reportedly, several members demanded a review of the language because of it’s relation to slavery.
The EGOT winner caught wind of the news on twitter and started to criticize the real estate industry for not addressing the real issue. John Legend tweeted:
“Real problem: realtors don’t show black people all the properties they qualify for. Fake problem: calling the master bedroom the master bedroom. Fix the real problem, realtors.”
Some realtors started to respond to John Legend’s tweet saying that they were not guilty of his claims, to which he responded:
“Me saying this is a real problem doesn’t mean that you, offended real estate agent, do it. It doesn’t mean 100% of you do it. It means it’s widespread and well-documented enough to be an actual issue. As my grandfather/pastor used to say, “I’m not talkin bout u unless it’s u…If you’re not doing it, thank you. But also show some leadership by recognizing that it’s real and encouraging your colleagues to do better.”
What are your thoughts about his remarks? Let us know in the comments.