Media Take Out Founder Has Triplets + Talks Fatherhood

One of you’re favorite sensational blogs, Media Take Out, is ran by Fred Mwangaguhunga, a former corporate lawyer, who is a dad of triplets. CBS News did a Father’s Day special on Fred, who hails from DC. He talked balancing fatherhood and shared a few insights on their site.

On how the face of fatherhood has changed: “We’re finding that people are taking the role of parenting more seriously. From an African American-celebrity point of view, P Diddy is actively involved in his children’s lives. Lil Wayne’s children have multiple mothers, but they are all friends and work together to support their children.”

On the controversial web site: “We do make a concerted effort to not use nudity or profanity. We control it, so that things don’t spiral into obscenity.”

On if their sensationalized content will change since he has children: “I can’t say how I am going to feel. Maybe once my kids are old enough to use the Internet, I will know…”

Peep the full story here.