Fat Boys Member Gets Skinny & Plans Comeback

“Fat Boys” member Prince Markie Dee ain’t so fat anymore. 43-year-old rapper Mark Morales has dropped 175 pounds from the 450 he was six years ago. He explained his serious weight loss and credited it to his kids explaining:
“I am not young anymore. I can’t go eat a couple of Big Macs a day and not worry about it. I have to watch what I eat and care about my diet. I have kids to live for.”
In recent years, we’ve heard the rapper hosting radio shows. In 2008 he was on 103.5 WMIB radio in Florida then switched to WEDR in 2010. But now, the rapper says he’s ready to make a comeback after a 12-year hiatus.
He’s working with the label Uncle Louie Music Group to put out a new album. His former group members will also take part in the comeback. Kool Rock-Ski will make a cameo appearance and he wants to throw in some beat box samples from the late Darren “Buff Love” Robinson who died in 1995 due to weight complication. Are you guys excited to be reintroduced to this 80’s hip hop phenomenon?

Source: TMZ