Martha Stewart’s Daughter Writes Tell-All Book:: “I grew up with a glue gun pointed at my head.”

If you thought living with Household Specialist, Martha Stewart, would be the perfect home life…apparently you’re wrong. Her daughter, Alexis, who is now 47-years-old, wrote a tell-all book, which hits shelves on October 18th. Quotes from the book, which is titled “Whateverland: Learning to Live Here,” alleg that having Martha as a mom may not have been peachy. Peep some excerpts from the book:

On her mother being a perfectionist:

“Martha does everything better! If I didn’t do something perfectly, I had to do it again. I grew up with a glue gun pointed at my head….Martha was not interested in being kid-friendly. She used to make me wrap my own presents. She would hand me things right before Christmas and say, ‘Now wrap these but don’t look inside.'”

On how strict Martha was growing up:

“My mother has a sign on all of her doors to take your shoes off. For God’s sake! My mother’s dogs piss and shit on her rugs and she’s telling people to take their shoes off?”

On her “bathroom” etiquette:

“[She] always peed with the door open. I remember saying, ‘You know, now I have friends over! You can’t do that anymore! It’s gotta stop! My friends’ parents don’t do it! Give me a break here! I don’t feel like being embarrassed! It’s exhausting! I’m a kid! Stop!'”

And of course, Momma Martha had a response to the book:

“She’s her own person. She makes up her own mind.”

Nevertheless, Alexis says that she’s not holding a grudge against her mom at all. Here’s a sample cover of the book:

Source: YahooTV
