Personal Message :: The Perfect Day to Say ‘Thank You’

Blogging in a Shoe Closet :0


So, I don’t do personal posts anymore (i ain’t that interesting), but I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for reading the Jasmine BRAND. In real life, it means the absolute world that you visit the site, oftentimes three or four times a day, to read about your favorite (or not-so-favorite) celebrity. You have grown tremendously and you’ve been patient, while we (you and I) worked the cyber kinks out together. I read your comments. I read your emails. I see where you read from (across the globe). And I feel like  we’re sorta-kinda friends :) So on this day of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you. You allow me to do this for a living. So….go enjoy your family, friends and visit the site today (after you’ve had two or three plates), because we don’t take days off ’round here :)

Thank you and Go be fat….Because I will!



P.S. A sincere thanks to my interns who dedicate their time and don’t mind working with a crazy driven boss!