Gloria Govan: ‘I don’t really want to go back to reality TV.’ [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]
Gloria Govan, an original cast member of Basketball Wives, has worked overtime to transition from reality TV into a business woman. Fans and critics have watched her fight with her cast mates and even witnessed the fallout of her marriage to NBA superstar, Matt Barnes. But it’s a new day and Gloria career — minus the reality cameras — seems to be blossoming. correspondent Ke’Arra, recently chatted with Gloria (at the Champions For Change event), where she discussed how important education is for her twin boys; and why she doesn’t want to return to reality. Peep a few excerpts.
I preach the importance of actually what you get from school. Not only do you get an education, but you also get a good social background. Being able to interact, but also just dealing with different situations. Between bullying and being bullied…There’s so many things I think kids can get from both the public, private education. I come from an educational background. I doubled majored in college so education is extremely important to me.
We have a new movie coming out and its called, ‘Meet The Blacks.’ It should be out this year. I have a show I actually got attached to hosting its called The Spice, which I’m really excited about and the Stacey Harris Show. I have four different companies people don’t know about. Two clothing lines, a cookbook. I mean I can go. I just stay busy.