Terry Crews & His Wife Fasted From Sex For 90 Days

Terry Crews, Wife Rebecca

Terry Crews, Wife Rebecca

Could you practice abstinence while married? Actor/comedian/TV host Terry Crews, who has been married to his wife for 25 years, did exactly this. During a recent interview with HuffPost Live he shared that he and his wife completed a “90-day sex fast,” and that it left him “more in love” and “more turned on” than ever. He recalled of the experience:

90 days — no sex, all relationship, all talk, all cuddle. I found that at the end of that 90 days … I knew who she was, and it wasn’t about ‘Let’s go out because I know I’m gonna get some sex later.’ It was like, ‘Let’s go because I want to talk to you. I want to know you’.


Authored by: TJB Writer