Oprah Winfrey Once Told Kanye West Not To Run For President

Oprah Winfrey, Kanye West

Oprah Winfrey Once Told Kanye West Not To Run For President

Kanye West isn’t giving up on his hopes of being the next president, despite Oprah Winfrey once telling him it wasn’t a good idea.

While on the Joe Rogan Experience, Kanye West said Oprah Winfrey told him not to go for president after he first announced his run at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards.

Kanye West said recently:

“I remember running into Oprah two days or one day after that, and she’s like you don’t want to be president. One of the things Oprah said is she said, ‘You got to bone up on your foreign affairs.’ I remember this because it’s Oprah talking, so I’m gonna remember a lot of what the conversation was, but that’s the first thing she said was foreign affairs and foreign policies.”

Still, Oprah Winfrey’s warning clearly didn’t stop him as he announced his official run on the 4th of July. He tweeted:

“We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States [American flag Emoji] #2020VISION”

He also explained why he was so adamant about running. 

“Something that God put on my heart back in 2015. A few days before the MTV Awards, it hit me in the shower. And when I first thought of it, I just started laughing to myself, all this joy came over my body, through my soul. I felt that energy, I felt that spirit.”

Interestingly enough, he said Donald Trump’s 2016 win was even more inspiration.

Donald Trump, Kanye West (circa 2016)

“When I saw Trump win, I was like see, you can win if you are coming from outside of politics. I believe that my calling is to be the leader of the free world. If it’s in Gods plan that part of my path is to be the governor [of California] then thats fine but my calling is to be the leader of the free world. “

It’s been an uphill battle for Kanye West since then, as he only managed to get on a handful of states in time for the election on Nov. 3.

What do you think about Oprah telling Kanye not to run? Comment and let us know!


Authored by: C.J.