Basketball Wives’ Tami Roman To Hit The Big Screen in “Life, Love, Soul”

The movie “Life, Love, Soul” debuted during New York’s September Urbanworld Film Festival. And it did so well there, that it’s now scheduled to air in Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Jersey, New York and D.C. movie theaters, starting on April 13th. The movie is about a teenage boy named Roosevelt Jackson, who has just lost his mother and brother to death, and must, now, form a relationship with his father. The teen is played by actor Robbie Tate-Brickle, the father is played by actor Chad Coleman, and the mother is played by Tami Roman, who we know best from her role on the reality show Basketball Wives: Miami. Actors Jamie Hector, Terry J. Vaughn, Valerie Simpson and Egypt Sherrod are also featured in the film. Peep the trailer.

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So, what do we think? Will you pay to see Tami and her co-stars this Spring?
