Beyonce’s Personal Trainer Dishes On Her Post Baby Weight Loss

Just a month after Beyonce gave birth to her daughter, Blue Ivy, she stepped out donned in a tight red dress, blue nails and a new curvier figure. During her pregnancy with Baby Blue, she allegedly gained 40 pounds. And now the singer is on a fast track to lose all the baby weight, and she’s already 14 pounds in.

In an interview with Star magazine, a source reports that the Queen B’s trainer, Marco Borges, is living in with the Carters to help the new mom. The source explains,
“Beyonce and Marco are up at 5 a.m. for a two-hour workout, and they do it again at 5 p.m. They do a mix of cardio, pilates, plyometrics, yoga, and of course dance.”
The source also discusses the 30-year-old’s new diet schedule. He says she is cautiously watching what she eats and is,
“living on protein shakes, egg-white omelettes, pineapple chunks, and lots of ice-cold water… She’s exhausted but totally dedicated. Beyonce’s vowed to have a better body than ever before and she’s a woman of her word.”
Take notes ladies!
[NY Post]