NeNe on Her Husband, Kandi’s Fake Celibacy, Dwight’s Nose & Phaedra

Last week, the new season of the Real Housewives of Atlanta aired in all of its drama-filled glory. Here’s the recap. Check NeNe’s perspective on the first show and all of the drama that we viewed last week.

On her relationship with Greg: “Seeing me and Gregg talk in the kitchen made me sad all over again. Sometimes when you’re in certain a situation you don’t always see clearly, but I can clearly see Greg still wasn’t giving me the full truth. I do believe that there should be no secrets in a relationship.”

On her husband owing Dwight $10k & the confrontation: “Kim told me that Dwight said he had loaned Gregg $10,000. I knew that number was inflated, because if Dwight had that kind of money, he would have gotten his nose reconstructed  because, “WHO WOULDNT WANNA BREATHE?” Hahaha LOL! I don’t even remember saying that, but I obviouly did! I knew Dwight would be there and my intention was to avoid him. As a married woman, I was thinking everything at this point. I’ve never done anything to Dwight, and if I did, I didn’t know it. So when he approached with the “I don’t get a hug” BS, I somehow gave up my power, which I vowed to never do again. He showed me how low down and dirty of a friend he was, and I don’t want to be around people that would even take me there. Hopefully I can stay true to this.”

On Kandi’s fake vow of celibacy: “Kandi saying she’s doing the whole celibacy thing but can have oral sex. Well what’s the purpose of celibacy?”

On her love for Phaedra: “MISS FAKE’DRA” I like to call her in this episode. Boy did she and Dwight suck all the air out the room with the BS! “The flute,” talking about the glass she and Dwight were drinking out of as if we can’t see that. Dwight saying to her, “Be careful, you don’t wanna mess up those minx toes.” Which by the way is played! I thought the newest thing was the gel nails or your natural nails with polish. Fake’dra saying that she’s known me since childhood. Well I wonder why I didn’t know her. It’s true we’re from the same home town and even attended the same high school, but as a child, I never played jump rope, hop scotch, red light green light, kick ball, or hand ball with her.Well Fake’dra if you like it, I love it! Sorry we didn’t get a chance to play together as kids, but “tag you’re it!”

Sidebar, NeNe was on Andy Cohen’s ‘Watch What Happens Live’ Thursday evening, where she answered fans questions. She answered all of the questions EXCEPT the obvious new nose that’s planted on her face. Read Nene’s full blog here.