Comedian Michael Colyar Says United Airlines Played Race Card & Kicked Him Off the Plane

Comedic actor Michael Colyar, alleges that he experienced racism while attempted to fly United Airlines, out of Washington DC’s Dulles airport. He wrote a note on Facebook, explaining how the incident took place. He wrote:

I am a loyal United Airlines Customer correction, I was a loyal United Airlines customer. I have flown with united for over 17 years (a recorded fact).  My wife was a United Airlines flight attendant for 25years. According to United Airlines records I am something they call “Executive Premier”. I find now that if you’re black that’s just an inside joke. After the treatment they metered out of me yesterday they can kiss the darkest recesses of a part of my anatomy that I am to dignified to state.

Yesterday, Aug 29, 2011 at approximately 12:30pm Est., I was unceremoniously thrown off flight #UA382 in a hostile and racist manner, not only did it cost me time and potential income (as I was headed to the NAACP Theater Awards in Los Angeles) but it caused me great embarrassment and put a tarnish on my other wise unblemished reputation because not only were there other people of color watching me be treated as a felon but also fans of mine who were all lead to believe that I had done something worthy of a public and humiliating outing. The fact being I did nothing wrong. I broke no rules, United’s, FAA, or humanities. Because I had the gumption to exhibit a backbone, I was summarily punished and taught a “Lesson”

Peep Colyar’s full account here.