Jackie Magazine Editor Resigns for Calling Rihanna “N*gga B*tch”

It’s been a pretty interesting 24 hours for Rihanna. She went from being called a “Ni**a B*tch” in a dutch publication, called Jackie Magazine, to motivating the Editor-in-Chief of said magazine to resign. Just to provide a bit of the back-story, the mag did a story jokingly calling Rihanna a “Nigga-Bitch”. Why did they label her with that term? In the story, they explained:

“She has street cred, she has a ghetto ass and she has a golden throat. Rihanna, the good girl gone bad, is the ultimate niggabitch and displays that gladly, and for her that means: What’s on can come off. If that means she’ll be onstage half naked, then so be it. But Dutch winters aren’t like Jamaican ones, so pick a clothing style in which your daughter can resist minus 10. No to the big sunglasses and the porn heels, and yes to the tiger-print pink shizzle and everything that glitters. Now’s let’s hope she won’t beat anybody up at day care.”


Rihanna responded on Twitter and ended her tweets with “F*ck You.” And after seeing the backlash from Rihanna and a ton of other people and media outlets, Eva Hoeke, the EIC of Jackie Magazine (the mag that printed the racial slur) released an apology. And from the looks of things, the apology wasn’t sufficient for the powers that be. Before the day was over, Hoeke released this statement resigning.

“I realize that my first reaction through Twitter, in which I indicated that it was a joke, has been an incomplete description of what me, and also the author of the article, meant. The term ‘n—abitch’ came from America and we solely used it to describe a style of dress. Because of the enormous pressure through social media I was tempted to promise amendment regarding the language in future issues of Jackie.

Apart from that I also offered a rectification. I have now come to the conclusion that rectification is not the right solution. I regret that I have taken a stand too quickly regarding an article in Jackie — which moreover had no racial motive at its basis. Through the course of events, me and the publisher have concluded that because my credibility is now affected, it is better for all parties if I quit my function as editor-in-chief effective immediately.

After putting my heart and soul into for Jackie for eight years, I realize that these errors — although not intended maliciously — are enough reason for leaving. … I should have counted to ten before taking un-nuanced stands through social media channels.”

The magazine has also extended an invitation to Rihanna, “to share her feelings and thoughts on the article in the next issue.” No response has come from Ri Ri‘s camp.

Do you think that it was necessary for the editor to resign?

