Sexy Girls On Set, Have John Witherspoon Excited About Filming ‘Friday’

In the proposed new ‘Friday’ movie, Ice Cube says he definitely wants John Witherspoon, who plays Cube’s daddy, Willie Jones, to play his infamous role.

When he was asked to do the role, Witherspoon responded,

“I said, ‘HELL YEAHHHH! I am ready to do this!”

Witherspoon is really excited to be on set again with the old cast.  He told TMZ that not only is he excited to see everyone he worked with, but he’s also excited to see the women hanging around on set.

“One thing for sure that I do look forward to seeing on the set is pretty girls….Cube always has bunch fine women on the set. I am an old black man, how could I not look forward to taping with a bunch of pretty girls surrounding the set?”

No details on when filming begins have been shared.

