[VIDEO] Will Lindsay Lohan Redeem Herself? WATCH Her ‘Next Chapter’ Episode

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On Sunday, Oprah Winfrey gave a glimpse inside the life of 27-year-old Lindsay Lohan. Just days after her 90 day stint in a drug rehabilitation center (she had been in rehab at least six times), the Hollywood actress spoke in great detail about being an addict, why it had taken her so many times to get her ‘act together’ and her plans for turning her life around. Check out a few quotes.

How she felt seeing her family in court with her, when she was sentenced:

Just by my actions…I think it was just to find some peace and just have no choice but to just sit and be….Just seeing, my mom and sister’s face in that court room…was just heart breaking.

What she felt like, when she was sentenced:

I just remember this rush of heat coming over me and not knowing what to expect.

If she’s embarrassed about her life:

Definitely lots of shame, tones of guilt. I don’t think the embarrassment was as prominent as the shame and the guilt.

What her relationship is like with her attorney, Shawn Holley:

She’s family to me. She’s stood by me. I just love her. And she really cares about me. She just wants the best for me.

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What’ll be different with her life this time:

Not taking Adderall…I was convinced that it did grown me. It did calm me before…I could go to sleep, I could eat. The more that I spent time working on myself with no other…I don’t need it.

On what drugs she’s on now:


How it feels to be an adjective and a verb for bad behavior and a child star gone wrong:

 Ummm, I hate that. I hate that label and that title and that’s what I never aspire to be.

Her drug of choice:

Alcohol. In the past, was a gateway to other things for me… I tried cocaine with alcohol.I really haven’t done it more than 10 to 15 times,Of course, I said three or four. I was terrified of being judged… [But] I’ve done it 10 to 15 times. Cocaine allowed me to drink more, I think that’s why I did it when I did it. It was a party thing.

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If she feels her parents have exploited or taken advantage of her:

No. Nobody’s perfect. I love my parents and I’m not going to say that certain situations I would have preferred to be handled differently. Certain situations I would have preferred to have kept within my family.

Watch the full episode below.

What are your thoughts on her appearance? In a recent interview, Oprah shares her thoughts on Lohan bouncing back from her troubled past:

I don’t understand why people are doubting. This is what I know, we’re all on the same journey. People are taking different paths to get there. No matter how many many times you fail, you fall down in your life I mean you certainly have the opportunity until you take your last breath, to be redeemed. I’m in the business of interviewing people about their lives. I felt like she was honest, authentic and that she is ready. And I asked her what’s the difference between now and the other five times….I believed her.

Do you agree?

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