Isaiah Washington Clarifies Telling Chris Rock to ‘Adapt’, to Prevent Racial Profiling [VIDEO]

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Actor Isaiah Washington is coming under fire, after making a suggestive tweet to fellow comedian/actor Chris Rock. Earlier this week, Chris posted an Instagram photo of him being pulled over by police, stating that this was his third time, within the last two months, of him experiencing this.

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After hearing about Chris being pulled over, Isaiah tweeted:

I sold my $90,000.00 Mercedes G500 and bought 3 Prius’s, because I got tired of being pulled over by Police. #Adapt @chrisrock

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Isaiah then began to receive some Twitter criticism for his advice and added:

Anyway, you millennial’s critique and misconstrue my message to @chrisrock I’m getting back to my work to help free all y’all. #Truthdom.

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On Wednesday, Isaiah appeared on CNN, to address his Tweets and the backlash.