Keke Palmer Gets Half Naked To Show Off New Tattoo

Keke Palmer Endures 8hrs Of Tattoo Session To Achieve

Keke Palmer gets a gnarly tattoo while in Budapest! The actress got half naked in a photo to show off the garden of flowers combined with butterflies, which was tattooed by Vivien Vamosi. The artist took 8 hours to complete the tattoo, which stretches from underside of her armpit down past a her stomach and ends a few inches below her waist. The author shared and thanked the artist for completing the job.

Eight hours of pure pain. The first 5/6hrs I was completely fineeee. Handling the pain perfectly well … then IT BECAME WAY TO REPETITIVE. Going over the same spots repeatedly.”


Thank you @vivitattoos5, I love it. A wonderful memento from my time in Budapest and an awesome addition to what was once just one lone sunflower and butterfly.

Check out her new ink below.

She disclosed how she refused to break the tattoo into two sessions, and it looks like the pain was well worth it.

Congrats to her!

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Authored by: TJB Writer