Tommy Lee Calls Travis Scott A F*cking Idiot For Stealing Set Design, Rapper’s Lawyer Responds

Travis Scott’s Lawyer Responds To Tommy Lee Accusing The Rapper Of Stealing His Set Design

Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee took to social media to blast Travis Scott over his set design for the ASTROWORLD tour. According to Lee, Travis Scott “ripped off” the “Crüecifly” rollercoaster design Mötley Crüe used during their final tour in 2015.

Just found out this fucking idiot @traviscott or someone on his team ripped off the 360 AND The Crüecifly! WTF!! Get an original idea bro…(swipe to see who did this shit first).

Tommy Lee then showed video comparisons between his two roller coasters and Travis’.

ANNNNND not one rip off but TWO. DOPE. I get copying is a form of flattery, but this is just straight ripping off my shit. What do you guys think??? #crüecifly

Tommy Lee then took it to Twitter where he further explained that upon designing the Crüecifly, he hired a company to put it together. That company was then hired by Travis Scott for the ASTROWORLD tour 3 years later.

Hey @trvisXX lawyer up!

And the plot thickens! After I and our production crew created the 360 and Crüecifly, We hired a company called SGPS in Las Vegas to create it. WELLLLL GUESS WHO’S DOING TRAVIS’S SET DESIGN???? Fucking SGPS! So all u mothafuckas tellin me I’m not right can fuck off

On Instagram stories, Tommy Lee explained why he is so upset.


According to Travis Scott’s lawyer, Travis got permission to use this set from the creator/designer himself.

Tommy didn’t invent the concept of a roller coaster on stage and there’s no legal basis for his accusatory outburst.

The actual creator and owner of the system has granted Travis all rights to use that equipment to complement his original stage design.

The roller coaster theme is not far-fetched for Travis Scott, whose tour and album are named ASTROWORLD, after the former Six Flags theme park that served Houston, TX from 1968 to 2005.

Swipe to check out Tommy Lee and Travis Scott’s rollercoasters. Do you think Tommy Lee has a case?


Authored by: TJB Writer