Michael B. Jordan Reportedly In Talks Of Directing His First Movie ‘Creed III’

Michael B. Jordan
Michael B. Jordan Reportedly In Talks Of Directing His First Movie ‘Creed III’
The Creed franchise is heading for its third installment and the breakout star, Michael B. Jordan, could be taking his involvement up a notch.
According to reports, Michael B. Jordan is considering directing Creed III via MGM. If so, this will mark the Black Panther star’s directorial debut.
Ryan Coogler directed the first Creed, which was released in 2015 and earned $173.5 worldwide with a $35 million budget. He also wrote the script with Aaron Covington.
For Creed II, Ryan Coogler stayed on as executive producer while Steven Caple Jr. directed That film, released in 2018, made $214.2 million worldwide with a $50 million budget.
Even though Creed III could be Michael B. Jordan’s first time directing a movie, he was the executive producer for Creed II and Netflix’s Raising Dion. He also produced the critically-acclaimed film Just Mercy, starring Jamie Foxx.
And it looks like his legacy will continue. Michael B. Jordan said in a recent interview that he is a “gatekeeper” for Hollywood, paving the way for others.
“I feel like we’re often looked at as gatekeepers now, right? Like we ‘made it’ and we’re here. And now it’s like, as gatekeepers, the responsibility we have to usher in some kind of change when it comes to producing films and the stories that we’re telling, how we’re putting on for the culture, giving opportunities to others that we might not have had, holding brands and partners accountable for being progressive.”
He continued:
“I’m standing on the past generation’s shoulders, I want this next generation to stand on top of mine. I want them to be a little bit taller, see further, speak louder, be better. So in the position I’m in, I’m just trying to lay down a solid foundation for them to stand on.”
While he’s the celebrity crush for many, he added that he wants to be known for more than his physical appearance.
“I want to build something that can last longer than my physical body. That when I’m gone there’s a blueprint, there’s a foundation, there’s a mission statement.”
What do you think about Michael B. Jordan possibly directing Creed III? Comment and let us know.