Kim Kardashian Granted Restraining Order Against Stalker Who Showed Up At Her Home & Claimed He Had Been Speaking w/ Her Telepathically

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian Granted Restraining Order Against Stalker Who Showed Up At Her Home & Claimed He Had Been Speaking w/ Her Telepathically

Hulu is the only place a man seemingly stalking Kim Kardashian will be keeping up w/ her for the foreseeable future, or there will be legal consequences to pay.

The reality TV star has been granted a restraining order against Andre Persaud after he showed up at her home multiple times and even claimed to be armed. Additionally, Kim Kardashian said the man made an effort to enter her New York hotel recently.

According to court documents, Kim Kardashian was frightened that Persaud, a complete stranger to her, would escalate the situation to physical violence when he visited her home at least three times in August.

Kim Kardashian

As if turning up at her house wasn’t scary enough, Persaud is also accused of posting about Kim on social media, where he allegedly made the claim that the ex-wife of Kanye West had been conversing with him telepathically.

The restraining order application noted the man has repeatedly made an effort to contact Kim and believes she is,

communicating with him in some way.”

In addition, the petition claimed the man “has also expressed increasing frustration that [Kim] has not responded to him.”

Per the restraining order, Persaud must maintain a 100-yard minimum distance from Kim for the next five years and he is not allowed to speak to her. He is prohibited under the restraining order from purchasing, owning, or possessing any firearms, and he is required to turn any of them over to the authorities.

What are your thoughts on the entire situation? Let us know in the comments!


Authored by: S. G.