Ex-Lakers Star Trevor Ariza Files Restraining Order Against Estranged Wife After He Was Ordered To Stay 100 Yards Away From Her, Accuses His Ex Of Ripping Out His Locs

Trevor Ariza
Ex-Lakers Star Trevor Ariza Files Restraining Order Against Estranged Wife After He Was Ordered To Stay 100 Yards Away From Her, Accuses His Ex Of Ripping Out His Locs
Former NBA star Trevor Ariza has filed a restraining order against his estranged wife Bree Anderson Ariza days after a judge granted her a restraining order against the athlete.
According to court documents obtained by RadarOnline, Trevor Ariza is asking the court to order Bree to stay 100 yards away from him and stop all communications.
Ariza says his estranged wife’s restraining order only allows him to see his kids for 4 hours a week with a supervisor. He claims their children do not need protection from him but instead needs to be protected from their mother.
Furthermore, he wants the court to order Bree to attend outpatient parenting counseling once a week for 6 months to learn the skills needed “to support me as Tristan and Taylor’s father.” In addition, he wants her to enter into a 52-week batterer intervention program. He’s also asking the court to order Bree not to talk about the divorce or restraining orders with their kids.

Trevor Ariza
Reportedly, Ariza is accusing Bree of emotionally abusing their son by disparaging him and making false allegations against him. He claims the emotional abuse was captured in a recording.
Trevor Ariza’s petition comes days after Bree filed for protection accusing the athlete of being abusive during their marriage.
As previously reported, earlier this week Trevor Ariza’s estranged wife Bree Anderson Ariza was granted a temporary restraining order which prohibits Ariza from coming within 100 yards of her. During her initial request for the restraining order, she accused her former spouse of “extreme” physical abuse, claiming during one incident he choked her until she was unconscious.
However, in his petition, Trevor cited an incident on January 31, 2023, where he claims Bree yelled at him in front of their kids, saying,
“You are going to f**g pay for this.”
Another incident took place on September 15, 2021, where Trevor says Bree emotionally abused their son by telling him his father was “trying to buy” him and that “all kids live with their mother.”
A more serious incident allegedly took place on April 6, 2020. The ex-NBA star says he was driving with Bree and they were having a conversation about a woman
“with whom I engaged in a romantic relationship and who is now my girlfriend. By coincidence, I happened to receive a phone call from my now girlfriend while Bree and I were in the car.”
He claims Bree lost her cool and
“forcefully pulled the steering wheel toward the passenger seat.”
Moments later, he alleges Bree
“grabbed me by my hair and violently ripped a dreadlock right out of my scalp.”
Trevor Ariza wants sole custody of their children until a future hearing.
Bree has yet to respond to Trevor’s allegations.