Sexual Assault Case Against NFL Star Dak Prescott Dismissed After Judge Ruled It ‘Lacked Merit’

Sexual Assault Case Against NFL Star Dak Prescott Dismissed After Judge Ruled It ‘Lacked Merit’

Update (June 27, 2024):

NFL player Dak Prescott has received a win in court.

A judge in Texas dismissed a sexual assault lawsuit against him on Wednesday (June 26), according to TMZ.

Dak Prescott’s attorney Levi McCathern said the judge determined that the claims against the Dallas Cowboys quarterback “lacked merit.”

His accuser, Victoria Shores, could also face consequences as McCathern scheduled a hearing on potential sanctions against her for September.

McCathern added,

“Despite Ms. Shores and her legal team’s relentless efforts to extort money and damage Dak’s reputation, justice has consistently prevailed and will continue to do so.”

The attorney continued,

“These ploys distract from the trauma of legitimate sexual assault survivors and undermine the progress that our society has made in supporting them. We are proud that Dak stands up against this injustice and thankful Judge Tucker agrees.”

Original Story (March 11, 2024): Dak Prescott, the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, filed a civil lawsuit, claiming he’s the victim of a $100 million extortion scheme.

According to his lawsuit, Dak Prescott has accused a Texas woman of making a false sexual assault allegation in an attempt to extort the massive amount from him. The alleged extortion was in exchange for the woman not going public and pursuing criminal charges.

Dak Prescott contended that the woman’s lawyers sent a letter in January, attached and addressed to him and the athletics department at Mississippi State University, where the quarterback attended college. It included details about an incident in Plano, Texas, on or around February 2017, following Prescott’s rookie season with the Cowboys. The letter accused the athlete of sexually assaulting the woman in the backseat of his SUV after she told him she did not want to engage in sexual intercourse.

It also alleged the woman had to attend therapy, and the incident has impacted her relationship with her fiancé, adding,

“She has suffered mental anguish that is unimaginable dealing with the trauma of being a sexual assault of victim [sic]. Despite the tragic events, she is willing to forego pursuing criminal charges, along with disclosing this information to the public, in exchange for compensating her for the mental anguish she has suffered.”

Regarding the matter, Dak Prescott’s lawyer, Levi McCathern,shut down the claims and said in a statement,

“Recently, Mr. Prescott found himself the subject of an extortion plot. The Defendant and her legal team have threatened to go public with a completely fabricated story of sexual assault from nearly a decade ago, and demanded that Mr. Prescott immediately pay $100 Million in exchange for her not pressing false charges with the authorities.”


McCathern also mentioned Prescott recently welcomed a daughter, which serves as one of the reasons he is sensitive toward sexual assault victims.

“Mr. Prescott — a new father to a baby girl — has great empathy for survivors of sexual assault. He fervently believes that all perpetrators of such crimes should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. To be clear, Mr. Prescott has never engaged in any nonconsensual, sexual conduct with anyone.”

Prescott’s lawyer continued,

“Lies hurt. Especially, malicious lies. We will not allow the Defendant and her legal team to profit from this attempt to extort millions from Mr. Prescott.”

McCathern said the 30-year-old is seeking “monetary relief in excess of $1 million,” which Prescott vowed to donate to the Joyful Heart Foundation, which supports victims of sexual assault.

The woman’s lawyers, Bethel, and Yohel Zahaie, are also named in the lawsuit. 

What do you think about this entire situation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Authored by: B Gregory