See The Harriet Tubman $20 Bill That Was Rejected [Photo]

Harriet Tubman

PHOTO: See The Harriet Tubman $20 Bill That Was Denied

It’s been roughly three years since a tentative Harriet Tubman bill was designed in 2016. But it’s only been a couple of weeks since Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that the release of the new $20  bill would be postponed for six years. Still, he didn’t confirm that Tubman might not be the face of it. This would have been the first time an African American was featured on a bill.

On the bill, Tubman dons a black jacket with a white scarf.

Check it out below:

Interestingly enough, there’s speculation that President Donald Trump pushed back the design because he wanted to keep his favorite President, Andrew Jackson. Mnuchin denied those rumors and said,

“Let me assure you, this speculation that we’ve slowed down the process is just not the case. There is a group of experts that’s interagency, including the Secret Service and others and [Bureau of Engraving and Printing] B.E.P., that are all career officials that are focused on this. They’re working as fast as they can.”

He also told Congress that new security features were the issues that interfered with the 2020 release date previously set by then President Barack Obama.

Mnuchin’s representative, Monica Crowley, said the bill is on track to be completed in 2030, but didn’t confirm that Tubman would be the featured figure either. Still, Len Olijar, the director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, hinted that Tubman’s face could still be on the bill despite the delay.

“No bureau or department official has ‘scrapped anything. Everything remains on the table.”

What do you think about the design? Let us know in the comments. 



Authored by: C.J.