O.J. Simpson Reacts To Nike Removing Flag Sneakers Over Colin Kaepernick: ‘As Far As I’m Concerned, That Flag Represents The Burden Of America’

O.J. Simpson, Colin Kaepernick

O.J. Simpson Reacts To Nike Removing Flag Sneakers Over Colin Kaepernick: ‘As Far As I’m Concerned, That Flag Represents The Burden Of America’

In his latest social media video, O.J. Simpson shared his thoughts on Nike’s latest controversy. As previously reported, the athletic brand pulled its 4th of July special-edition flag sneakers after Colin Kaepernick shared his concerns of the flag’s connection to slavery.

While both Kaepernick and Nike faced backlash, the company also generated $3 billion after the controversy. Now, Simpson is sharing his thoughts. He explains,

“I say don’t let the negative win. As far as I’m concerned that flag represents the burden of America.”

In the clip, Simpson is out golfing for what he said is the,

“33rd annual 39th birthday.”

He said despite the ups and downs in his life, he’s thankful because God has allowed him to stay

“in good spirits and positive….That’s tough to do today… with all the haters on the internet, and cable TV spouting their negative opinions on just about everything.”

He went on to reference a quote that says opinions aren’t fact but at the least a possibility. He also dished on how far the sports industry has come since his glory days.

Do you agree with O.J.? Tell us in the comments!


Authored by: C.J.