Maya Angelou Regrets Being Featured on Common’s Album, “I’m disappointed.”

Maya Angelou ::: Dear Common, Thou Shall Not Use the N Word…..
The phenomenal Maya Angelou made a feature appearance on rapper Common’s new album The Dreamer/The Believer, but she is less than thrilled on the outcome of her work. Common met Angelou at a fundraiser he organized in which she appeared as a guest speaker. During the fundraiser, he asked for her to be featured on his album and she agreed. However, after hearing the final version of the song “The Dreamer,” she is none too pleased. In the New York Post she explained,
“I had no idea that Common was using the piece we had done together on a [track] in which he also used the ‘N’ word numerous times…..I’m surprised and disappointed. I don’t know why he chose to do that. I had never heard him use that [word] before. I admired him so much because he wasn’t singing the line of least resistance.”
Here’s the track:
Do we think she has a valid point or may be over-reacting?