Wendy Williams Talks Botox, Cellulite & Compares Her Breast Implants to Car Tires

In an interview with xoJane Wendy Williams dishes on why she prefers less clothes, the pros and cons of her breast implants and more. Peep a few excerpts:

On why she prefers less clothing:

I think that clothing complicates my body. Even in the most beautiful outfit I feel like, I have on too many clothes. First of all TV adds the weight. And TV bras are so thick, because nipples are offensive. Big breasts, they always want you to push them down to be a flat C. I wear a Playtex Target T-shirt bra. I don’t like bras with lace and embellishments; then it looks like I’m stuffing like I’m in eighth grade. I like them to be thick and old ladyish and pointy. Well, I have breast implants so they stay good.

On why she compares breast implants to car tires:

“I’m open about it. But the downside of it is that for women who get it and think it’s a one-time thing, you always have to have your money ready for your corrective surgery. Particularly with breast implants. It’s like wheels on a tire. Even if your tire never pops and even if you never get a bubble, even if you have no reason to replace them, you should because the treads thin and when the treads thin you can get a blow-out. I’m trying to change my habits right now and start sleeping on my back, because if you wake up with a deflated breast, you now have to have the same $7,000 to replace them.”

On having a controversial mouth piece:

I only say what I want you to know. I’m very thoughtful with everything that comes out of my mouth, even though it seems otherwise. I’m responsible for protecting the privacy of my son and my husband and my parents and my siblings and my community. Once it’s out there, you can never take it back. It can never be yours again.

On botox, cellulite and cosmetic surgery:

I get a little Botox, I don’t have any now; it’s all run out. But I don’t use anything big and special on my face. I truly believe things like stretch marks and cellulite are inherited. I don’t have one stretch mark and I gained 100 lbs when I was pregnant. But, I’ve got lots of cellulite. Including on my arms. If I had a choice between either or, I would take the cellulite any day.

Read the full interview here.