Sold To The Highest Bidder:::Tupac’s Sex Tape

Tupac‘s 1991 sex tape is officially off the market; sold to an anonymous private collector.  The sex tape first made headlines a few months ago when it first surfaced and companies began making offers on it.

A source connected to the deal told TMZ,

the former tape owner decided not to sell to a big company out of principle — claiming the corporate porn fat cats were “parasites.”

No one knows exactly how much the tape went to the collector for but bids for the background music alone (an original, unreleased,Tupac track) reached $1 Million. But whoever has the tape is making out like a bandit. Reps of Tupac‘s estate say they are filing suit to block any further distribution of the tape and are making every effort to make sure the tape never sees the light of day. Looks like we won’t be getting any glipses of ‘Pac laying it down.  Sorry folks.
