Nicki Minaj Seemingly Takes Shots At Atlantic Records Amidst Reports They Did Massive Layoffs

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Nicki Minaj Seemingly Takes Shots At Atlantic Records Amidst Reports They Did Massive Layoffs

According to Variety, in the wake of the departures of top Atlantic Music Group executives Julie Greenwald and Kevin Liles, a large wave of layoffs has begun at the storied company as it begins what Warner Music CEO Robert Kyncl describes as

“a new dynamic structure for the label group.”

Sources tell the outlet that the number of people affected is around 170. Known to be leaving Atlantic are GM/executive VP Paul Sinclair, president of Black music Michael Kyser, longtime head of publicity/EVP Sheila Richman, marketing EVP Grace James and touring SVP Harlan Frey. Departing Atlantic sister company 300 Elektra are EVP/general counsel Margo Scott, EVP Chris Brown, head of marketing Katie Robinson, and sales/streaming chief Adam Abramson, among others.

Nicki Minaj got a little laugh after news of the firings spread. She fired off a few tweets seemingly about the layoffs. See her tweets below.

Are you surprised at Atlantic’s layoffs? Let us know in the comments.

Authored by: TJB Writer