Wendy’s Exclusive Interview w/ Aretha Franklin, “I looked at my picture and said, you’re too fat for words.”

Wendy Williams landed an exclusive interview with Aretha Franklin. The first segment aired on Thursday. Over tea, they talked weight loss (she’s lost a grand total of 85 pounds, no more hot sauce or pig feet), her health scare (Ms. Franklin wouldn’t address exactly what it was), her relationship with her god daughter, Whitney Houston (when Aretha brought up Whitney, Wendy start crying–hopefully you don’t need the back-story), her love for the Real Housewives of Atlanta (she loves NeNe) and some other stuff. Peep part 1 of her interview.


Did y’all peep when Wendy started dancing, Aretha politely asked her to scoot to the side? Was that shade, or she wanted the camera to get a better angle?