Picture Perfect…Beyonce Spotted in the Studio w/ Frank Ocean


Beyoncé and Frank Ocean

Beyonce was spotted in the studio with singer/songwriter Frank Ocean, who I’ve never heard of until today. Ocean tweeted Friday night, this is the room i’m working in this day. not to brag but man, this is surreal. “Like..she’s singing my songs. if time were to stop right now, the past couple weeks would be near the top of the highlight reel for my short time on earth.” Oh Frankie boy, I just gave him that name, is sorta a big deal. Apparently, Frank Ocean is a part of OFWGKTA (long ass name, right?), which stands for Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All. The group hails from Los Angeles and consists of rappers Tyler the Creater, Hody Beats, Earl Sweatshirt, Domo Genesis and Mike GG, singer Frank Ocean (pictured above) and producers Left Brain, Syd and the Super 3. #Whew! Anyway, this dude Frankie Boy (again, my nickname), must be a big effing deal to be making musical magic with Beyonce. The other day, a producer spilled some of the beans (hell, only like one bean) about Bey’s upcoming project. #Anywaydoe, I can’t WAIT til her new album drops. Cant. Effing. Wait.