Does An Ethnic Name Hurt Your Job Search? Man Use “White” Name & Gets More Bites

Agnok Lueth was having a HELLUVA time landing a job interview. But the Sudanese-Australian man played it smart and decided to use a fake “white” name to see if he landed more job interviews. Prior to using a “white” name, he had applied for over 1,000 jobs, with no luck–no call back, no interview, nada! When he started using the name Daniel McLean, all of a sudden, he landed five callbacks. Unfortunately, none of these five call-backs landed him an actual interview, but it’s clear that one’s name on a resume is significant. Whatever your momma named you, can hurt or harm you. Peep the full story at Jezebel. My question to you is, in 2011, do you think having a stereotypical “black” sounding name can hurt you in your job search?