Does Evelyn Lozada Keep Ochocinco On A Tight Twitter Leash?

Does reality star Evelyn Lozada have her fiance Chad Ochocinco on a tight Twitter-Leash? According to Page Six, perhaps. Rumor has it that when the two first started dating (they met on Twitter), he had a ton of women on Twitter that he was following. And at some point, we hear Lozada made/coherced/encouraged Ochocinco to do some slight filtering with the Twitter women in his life. Lozada explained:

“When we first started dating probably around Super Bowl, if you look at Chad’s account, he was following 1,500 people. When you go onto someone’s page you see who they are following . . . He probably has like 500 [now]. He was following who he wanted to follow at the time. Things have changed. I didn’t go specifically through his friends, we had a mutual conversation.”

I did check Ocho’s Twitter followers and he’s only following about 600 people at this point, so it seems he has down-graded his “Tweeters.” Ladies and gents, please weigh in…would you be open to your mate having social networking influence on whom you communicate with?

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