Drake Is Psychic, “I Look Forward to Leaks — knock on wood.”

On Sunday, Drake’s sophomore album, Take Care, had already leaked online. And when the news hit, Drake remained calm on twitter saying:

“I am not sure if the album leaked. But if it did thank God it doesn’t happen a month early anymore….Listen enjoy it, buy it if you like it… and take care until next time.”

Meanwhile, Drake had already known or anticipated that this would happen. Just last month, he told Billboard:

Yeah, always. I look forward to leaks — knock on wood. I shouldn’t probably, but I do. Like I said, if it’s a reasonable leak, I look forward to it. We’re all sitting here in the studio like, “Oh man the night this leaks, it’s gonna be so crazy!” People talk about, “Are you gonna go on the Internet? Are you gonna stay off the Internet? What are you gonna do?” And [producer Noah “40” Shebib] has his own views of what he wants to do, and I have my own idea of what that night’s gonna be like for me. The thing about 40, as well as being a great producer and great musician, he’s also an incredible, incredible engineer and protector of our music. He set us up a system for this album that I think worked very well. We’ve suffered no leaks. I’ve heard rumor of a couple records floating around out there that people are just listening to for their own personal enjoyment, like early demos and shit like that. But most of the records that they’re talking about are features, so you know, usually when you start sending to other camps, stuff gets a little messy. 40 protects the music really well, and I think God willing I get like the same thing I’m talking about, like a 10 day leak. And that’s something I’d be extremely excited about because I feel like if people get the opportunity to live with the music for a week before they go buy it, it’s only gonna help me, not hurt me. So I’m looking forward to hearing the feedback from everyone — that’s gonna be an exciting night when it comes out.

Are we surprised at the leak? Furthermore, if you’ve already heard the album, what are your thoughts thus far? Too much R&B or just enough?