Transgender Woman Performs Butt Implant “Surgery” With Fix-A-Flat, Cement and Superglue

This story has been buzzing all over twitter and the internet.  A 30 year-old transgender woman from Miami Gardens named Oneal Ron Morris has been performing butt enhancement ‘surgeries’ on women for about $700 using superglue, ‘fix-a-flat’ and cement.  Needless to say, the police and the Florida Department of Health are after her for practicing ‘medicine’ without a license.

Morris was discovered when one of her arts and craft projects showed up at a Miami hospital in pain and full of chemicals.  In addition to injecting superglue, ‘fix-a-flat and cement into peoples’ rear ends, she used the superglue to close her incisions.  From the looks of her mugshot above, I wonder if she performed the jacked up procedure on herself.  Morris better be happy none of her projects died from all of the chemicals she loaded into them.  Some people will do anything for a Nicki Minaj booty.

