Jennifer Hudson Spills the Diet “Tea” + Peep Her Book & Mag Covers

Over a year ago, 30-year-old Jennifer Hudson was over 200 pounds, but thanks to her dedication to the Weight Watchers diet, she has been able to lose 80 pounds and keep it off for more than a year. And now, she is on the cover of Good Housekeeping Magazine, showing off her new body. In the interview, she talks about the weight loss process, and also gives readers some tips on how to satisfy cravings the healthy way. Peep some quotes.

On how her weight affected her on American Idol:

“Early on, I remember one of the musical directors telling me that everything about me was too big: my voice, my size, and my personality. [But] isn’t that what being a star is? Stars are larger than life!”

On what made her decide to change:

“Everything changed the day my son, David Jr., was born. Motherhood brought tremendous responsibilities, but none greater than the obligation I felt to get healthy and be there for my son. David deserved to have a mama who could run after him without getting winded or getting tired, to have a role model who could teach him to make healthy food choices. I needed him to grow up with a mama who always would be there for him by caring enough about herself to take control of her health and her eating.”

On her first thoughts about Weight Watchers:

“I remember thinking, ‘This woman is crazy, I can’t lose weight eating these things.’ She’d say, ‘Did you know that popcorn is a grain with a lot of fiber in it?’ But then she told me that a chicken wrap, which I thought was a smart choice, was one of the most fattening things you could have… I couldn’t believe it.”

On how she feels now:

“I feel like a doll that I get to dress up! It’s crazy. They have to drag me off the red carpet! Because now it’s like, ‘You’re going to take a picture of what I’m wearing? You’re looking at me?’ I live for it!”

On passing it to her extended family members, in Chicago:

“Over 75 of them are doing Weight Watchers, and they’ve lost over 2,000 pounds altogether. My cousin beat me; she’s lost 112 pounds!”

Her creative ways to satisfy her cravings:

“What people need to know is that if you don’t eat what you want, then you’ll just continue to eat, because you’re not fulfilled… Figure out a concoction that tastes like what you’re craving. Like, if you eat cashews and an apple together, it tastes exactly like a caramel apple, I promise!”

For Potato Chips: “Honey, Popchips [potato chips that are popped, not fried or baked] are the absolute best snack. They are so good, especially the barbecue ones — and a regular-size bag is only three points!”

For Tacos: “[Skip the sour cream. Have] the shell, the chicken, cheese, and spicy sauce.”

For Salad Dressing: “[Take] some mustard, put some Splenda or whatever in there, and swish it up a
little. It’s zero points!”

For Oreos: “I eat one, but take out the cream… Trust me, just leave a hint of cream — that’s all you need, especially with grown-up taste buds. All that sugar is for the babies.”

JHud also covers the newest issue of Weight Watchers magazine. And, on top of that, the singer’s new book, “I Got This (How I Changed My Ways and Lost What Weighed Me Down)” will be released on Tuesday January 10th. Check out the magazine and book covers below.
