Kid of “Kid N’ Play” Dodges Legal Trouble…Again

Kid (real name Chris Reid) from the 1980s – 1990s rap group, Kid N’ Play, seems to have a habit of getting into accidental trouble with the men in blue. The 47-year-old is well known for his rap career, as well as his comedic acting roles in past shows like “Sister Sister,” and “Martin.” Not to mention his signature “hi-top fade” hairstyle is hard to forget. But recently Kid has become quite familiar with the LAPD. Back in August, it was reported that he was arrested in L.A for DUI and recieved three years probation. But shortly afterwards, Kid confirmed that the arrest was accidental and due to a “clerical error.”


Fast forward to the present day and Kid is in the same type of legal drama again. On January 5th, he had a scheduled hearing for his past DUI arrest. And he missed it. Afterwards, a warrant was set out for his arrest. But Kid quickly came forth, with his lawyer, and announced that he missed the court date by accident. Either he had a really good excuse for not showing up, or the judge really likes him, because the warrant was cancelled, and Kid was simply put back on his previous probation terms. Afterwards Kid said,

“All matters were resolved. Everything was taken care of.”

