Don Cornelius’ Final Interview + Chicago Does A Flash Mob ‘Soul Train’ Line

A video just surfaced of Don Cornelius‘ final interview at the Grammy Museum. As many of you know, this week, Don Cornelius passed away at the age of 75, from what appears to be a suicide. And if you’re in your 20’s, you’re well aware that Cornelius is most famously known for creating the nationally syndicated dance/music franchise Soul Train (from 1971-1993). Here’s a transcript of the short interview with Don Cornelius before his death.

On if he imagined his show would have such an iconic presence in American history:

“I had flashes from my imagination that told me that. Short flashes.  It’s been a fun career.  It’s not that often that people get to do something they love for a living and that’s what ended up happening to me.  I loved every minute of it.”

On how he thinks Soul Train changed the music industry as a whole, particularly for African Americans:

“I wouldn’t give it that much credit.  I think Soul Train was a response. Was a mirror if you will.  Not like Michael Jackson‘s ‘Man in the Mirror’ but it was a mirror of what was happening in soul music on a a constant basis.  That’s the only way I can describe it.  We didn’t effect how it was happening. We just reacted to it and tried to demonstrate it for television.”

On his fondest memory:

“I don’t think I have a fondest memory.  I have many fond memory.  My fondest memories are the days when we were just scratching the surface and trying to build an important show.  The days artists like Stevie Wonder walked through the door and Smokey Robinson and James Brown, Aretha Franklin as we started to gain the approval of stars of that caliber, those became my fondest moments.”

All over the country, fans are honoring Cornelius in their own way.  In Chicago, a Soul Train flash-mob took place, in his honor.  Peep the footage:

It’s clear that Cornelius was loved and cherished by many.

[Source] [Complex]
