Love & Hip Hop’s Yandy Smith Chastises Young Black Bloggers For Slandering Her Name & Reporting False Stories

Bossip, I’ve done many interviews for you and I can’t believe you created a story that was completely false, even down to the small details. What is most disappointing is that you know my number directly and didn’t call to verify. Don’t piece together puzzles that clearly don’t fit. There is no scandal or juicy story. People break up, people start new relationships, people have children, people get back together, so what?!

Baller Alert…I don’t know anything about you ladies and I have never done an interview with or for you, but for some reason you constantly have my family as a target of your slanderdegradation and lies. I’m not hard to find if you want to know some truth about me. One question…why don’t you write about the fact that I’m a woman that has done very well in this industry as an Entrepreneur in which I’m providing over 20 jobs for young people? I’m a successful manager, a successful creator and producer, a successful reality personality and I have an inspirational book coming hitting shelves soon for women like me and you. Not juicy enough to write about? Too much truth? Why can’t you write about me being a mom and a step mom that does a damn good job at being the best mom and stepmom I can be. Still, not juicy enough for you? Ladies, what’s your end goal in this industry? Seriously, what Fortune 500 company will endorse such trash you speak of and write? I’m appalled to know this company is ran by young black women.

And finally, Hollywood Street King– your titles or your articles frequent, “your favorite rapper is sleeping with his tranny lover” or “she has lost her children due to drug abuse” or most recently “he wants less time so he’s a rat”. How about the one recently directed at me, “I sign artists to my label and take all their publishing and royalties”…WHERE do you get your information from??!!! What proof do you have of any of the lies you tell that spread like wildfire? Do you know the people you speak about, do you have an inside track on what is done behind our closed doors? NO YOU DO NOT! Show paperwork, show pictures and prove it. You say things constantly that aren’t factual and pull it completely from your ass. It’s completely ridiculous. Just and FYI, Juelz and Vado are family to that man, he would die before he ever put any of their lives in danger or have them subjected to anything that would take them from their families. So, stop with the lies and fairy tales, which he thought was hilarious by the way…too bad I didn’t.

Now, to the believers and avid followers of these websites and all the others that bank on lies and misfortune of our people, please take it for what it is…”entertainment only“. These bloggers do not know us, they usually don’t have inside scoops or factual breaking news. It’s purely to generate income from the retention time you give them by staying on their sites and increasing their advertising dollars. Read their stories with a grain of salt and a side eye. If you want good reads that enlighten you, educate you, entertain you and are 100% factual, please visit

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Baller Alert caught wind of the open letter, penning their own lengthy response. The editor wrote:

I find it ridiculous that you took the time to target Bossip, Hollywood Street King and Us instead of addressing the people who send us supposed malicious stories about you. Fact is Yandy, we have written a TON of nice things about you. We talked about how beautiful your son is, your jewelry line and when you choose to dress nicely, we discuss your fashion. It’s unfortunate that you found yourself caught up with a loser but we use that as a cautionary tale that other young women can learn from. Don’t disregard the MANY nice things we say about you just because HIS TRASH keeps getting you dirty. Lay with dogs, get fleas, Granny said it best.

Ouch on both accounts. What are your thoughts on Yandy’s open letter to the media and does she have a point? And what about Ball Alert’s rebuttal? Is Yandy upset with the wrong folk? P.S. We’re keeping our opinion out of it…for now. [Everything Girls Love, Baller Alert]