Beyoncé Spotted At Janelle Monae’s “Dirty Computer” Themed Skate Party [VIDEO]
Beyoncé Spotted at Janelle Monae’s “Dirty Computer”-Themed Skate Party
Grammy-nominated singer/actress Janelle Monae recently celebrated her nominations in a creative, retro roller skate party at the World on Wheels Skating Rink in Los Angeles – and it looked like a blast! The theme was the art direction of her nominated album, “Dirty Computer.” How fitting! Check out her beautiful, five-tiered cake!
One of her many guests was none other than music superstar Beyoncé! And, of course, her attire made a statement. Bey rolled alongside Janelle’s party guests in a Colin Kaepernick jersey.
Who knew Queen Bey was so nice on the rink? The Beyhive. She and her dancers performed sexy choreography in skates in her “Blow” music video.
Just like the ones in Beyoncé’s video, Janelle had her own neon-colored, glow-in-the-dark pair of wheels. They perfectly matched her “Dirty Computer”-themed cake.
Janelle thanked her guests for their attendance with the following message on her Instagram Story:
“Thankful. Grateful. Appreciation. Celebration.”
Congratulations, Janelle Monae!
Written by Miata Shanay