Wendy Williams Hires Extra Security Until Kevin Hunter Is Off ‘Wendy’ Set

Wendy Williams Hires Extra Security Until Kevin Hunter Is Off ‘Wendy’ Set

Wendy Williams is making sure the divorce with her now estranged husband Kevin Hunter doesn’t get any more drama at work. She reportedly upped her security level on the studio of her daytime talk show until Hunter is gone for good, according to reports. Williams reportedly hired three extra full-time security guards to be by her side while she gets ready for her show and for the taping. She is said to have brought them on just days before she filed for divorce from Hunter as the two were having major screaming matches frequently. At one point, Hunter had to be held back. She also had the security with her when she served him on the set of the talk show, just in case things got out of hand.

Interestingly enough, Hunter is the executive producer of the popular show, but according to reports, there’s a plan to get him to “step down.” There are also reports that he has already been fired.

Williams filed for divorce amid rumors that Hunter had an alleged love child with his alleged long-time mistress, Sharina Hudson. He expressed regret in a statement he released earlier this week.

“I am not proud of my recent actions and take full accountability and apologize to my wife, my family and her amazing fans. I am going through a time of self-reflection and am trying to right some wrongs. 28 years ago I met an amazing woman: Wendy Williams. At the time, I didn’t realize that she would not only become my wife, but would also change the face of entertainment and the world. I have dedicated most of our lives to the business empire that is Wendy Williams Hunter, a person that I truly love and respect unconditionally. No matter what the outcome is or what the future holds, we are still The Hunter Family and I will continue to work with and fully support my wife in this business and through any and all obstacles she may face living her new life of sobriety, while I also work on mine. I ask that you please give me and my family privacy as we heal. Thank you.”

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Wendy Williams with husband Kevin Sr. and son Kevin Jr.

Meanwhile, Williams has been more vocal than usual about her ups and downs with Hunter on her show. Just days after news surfaced that she filed, she said,

“It’s crazy ’cause now my business is your business. It’s kind of funny. Turnabouts a fair game, I get it.”

She also said she’d be moving out of the sober house she was staying in.

“It’ll be Wendy on her own. I have to tell you, you know, I’ve been dealing with issues with addiction, alcoholism, and I have a whole new life that I planned for myself and my son. Believe me you, when you lay in a room with no TV and four gray walls all day – this is my life in the sober house, it’s one of the best things, honestly, that could have ever happened to me. You wear a different mask when you’re out here. Everybody has things in their life that they’re –  not ready to share with the world. Addressing my sobriety, my addiction, head-on has really helped me sort out every single compartment of my life. “

She also reassured fans she would still be the go-to source for celebrity gossip.

“I have a commitment to me and my son to come out of here better, stronger and faster than ever. And by the way, I will still commit; I commit that the motto of this show will always be, ‘Their business is our business.’”

Williams and Hunter were married for 21 years. They also have son, Kevin Hunter, Jr., 19, together.


Authored by: C.J.