Aubrey O’Day On Donald Trump, Jr. ‘We Both Thought We Were Each Other’s Soulmates’

Aubrey O’Day, Donald Trump Jr.

Aubrey O’Day On Donald Trump, Jr. ‘We Both Thought We Were Each Other’s Soulmates’, Adds ‘He’s Not The Person I Fell In Love With’

Singer and reality star Aubrey O’Day has no problem dishing on her previous love affair with Donald Trump, Jr. In a new interview, she opened up about their romance and said he’s not the man she used to know, despite calling him her soul mate just days ago.

When asked if she would ever rekindle her relationship with him, she said,

“I think he closed the chapter when he went the direction that he did. He’s chosen to be in the life that he’s in now and be the person that he is now, and that’s not the person that I fell in love with.”

As for calling him her soulmate, she added,

“We both thought we were each other’s soulmates. It’s something we spoke about often. A soulmate is someone you spend a period of time, moment, of life with that you’re connected as one. I had that with Don…We were passionate and connected and loyal and honest. I hope to find that again someday.”

Aubrey O’Day

She continued and said she speaks so openly about it simply because she was asked about it, and used that as the opportunity to clear up false rumors.

“I was just asked, and so I answered honestly because I’m an honest person. I had never been asked anything. There were tabloids and headlines and speculations and a lot of rumors — a lot of untrue things that were being printed continuously for a period of time, but no one ever just asked me directly what the truth was. When I was asked, I told the truth.”

While he’s the son of President Donald Trump, she revealed she wasn’t afraid of getting any backlash for being so open about their once-secret relationship.

“What I’m saying is the truth. You can’t be afraid of your truth in life. I’m just saying what my truth is. I’m at an age now where I want to start to live it openly and honestly, and I don’t want to hide it in order to please other people.”

Aubrey O’Day

O’Day is back on the market and is clear on what she’s looking for in her new relationship.

“Sincerity, compassion — I want to be with a man that’s kind, I’ve dated enough unkind people. Life is more enjoyable when you’re around kind people. Positivity is also a big one, and obviously, I’m attracted to motivated, driven people that reach for their dreams and get there.”

O’Day and Trump, Jr. started hooking up secretly back in 2011, after meeting on NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice. 
O’Day reportedly only started dating Trump, Jr. because he was adamant about leaving his wife, Vanessa Trump. An insider previously said Trump, Jr. was the aggressor.
“It was him who chased her. He told her that his marriage was already in the process of dissolving.”
Their romance came to a halt after Vanessa reportedly came across steamy text messages between the two in 2012. Their affair was made public when Vanessa filed for divorce in March 2018. They were married for 12 years and have five children together.
What do you think about Aubrey opening up about her affair with Donald Trump, Jr? Tell us in the comments!
Source: PEOPLE


Authored by: C.J.