Chris Brown – Police Try To Shut Down Singer’s Yard Sale

Chris Brown

Chris Brown – LAPD Tries To Shut Down Singer’s Yard Sale

Chris Brown’s yard sale is apparently at risk of disturbing the peace. He revealed he was hosting a yard sale for

“significantly marked-down high end designer items”

The singer opened the event to the public, but it didn’t take long for the Los Angeles Police Department to come to shut it down.

According to reports, insiders close to the singer said that LAPD arrived at his home and said he wasn’t allowed to have the yard sale because he didn’t have a permit. That’s when his lawyer stepped in and pointed out that permits aren’t called for in Los Angeles.

Sources say police harassed them and tried to put an end to the yard sale out of fear that it would draw too big of a crowd. Here’s footage of the line at his home.

Reportedly, only 10 people were being allowed in at a time.

Meanwhile, insiders in law enforcement said they were worried about

“the impact [of the garage sale] on the community”


“the safety of the people who are there.”

Brown hasn’t spoken out about the police showing up at his yard sale yet.

What are your thoughts on police intervening? Tell us in the comments!

Authored by: C.J.