Man Charged With Murder of Jacqueline Avant, Wife of Music Legend Clarence Avant

Man Charged With Murder of Jacqueline Avant, Wife of Music Legend Clarence Avant

New developments have been released surrounding the tragic death of Jacqueline Avant. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced that a man was charged today with killing Jacqueline Avant and trying to kill her security guard during a robbery.

District Attorney Gascón said,

“Mrs. Avant was a treasured member of our community. Her generosity and good will touched so many lives. My office is working closely with the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills police departments in the investigation and prosecution of this case. We must continue to work together to hold accountable the people who commit violent crimes against our community.”

Aariel Maynor of Los Angeles is charged with one count each of murder, attempted murder and felon with a firearm as well as two counts of residential burglary with person present.

Maynor is charged with breaking into Avant’s Beverly Hills home on Dec. 1, and fatally shooting the 81-year-old victim. The defendant also is charged with shooting at a security guard at the location. The security guard was not injured.

Later that night, Maynor allegedly shot himself accidentally while breaking into a house in the Hollywood Hills, prosecutors said.

The case remains under investigation by the Beverly Hills Police Department.

Authored by: TJB Writer