Michigan School Shooter’s Parents Sentenced 10 – 15 Years In Prison Following Guilty Manslaughter Verdict

James, Jennifer, & Ethan Crumbley

Michigan School Shooter’s Parents Sentenced 10 – 15 Years In Prison Following Guilty Manslaughter Verdict

The parents of mass shooter Ethan Crumbley were handed down a hefty prison sentence.

Reports state that a court judge ruled that James and Jennifer Crumbley must serve 10 – 15 years behind bars for their role in Ethan’s terrorism.

The verdict was given today (Tuesday, April 9th) in an Oakland County, Michigan courtroom. Earlier this year, the Crumbleys were each found guilty on four counts of involuntary manslaughter for providing their then 15-year-old son Ethan with a gun, which he used to open fire at Oxford High School in 2021, killing 4 people.

Their unprecedented case marks the first time parents have been held accountable for a teen/young adult mass shooting, which, unfortunately, is a recurring instance in America. Back in December of last year, Ethan was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the fatal incident.

Ethan Crumbley

During his parents’ trials, prosecutors argued that the Crumbleys had ample indications that Ethan was troubled and could have done more to prevent the shooting. They claimed that hours before the attack, Ethan’s school contacted them to discuss alarming images he drew of guns and gunshot victims. Instead of taking the matter seriously, Jennifer was accused of making light of the situation and failing to inform the school that she’d recently given Ethan a gun.

Jennifer Crumbley

Additionally, text messages from Ethan from months prior to the shooting alleged that he reached out to his parents for help with his mental problems to no avail. The high schooler said he told his mother he was seeing demons and hearing voices and needed medical help which she allegedly laughed at. He sent a text to his friends subsequently that reportedly read:

“I want help but my parents don’t listen to me so I can’t get any help…I have zero help for my mental problems and it’s causing me to shoot up the fucking school.”

Adding about his father James:

“I actually asked my dad to take (me) to the Doctor yesterday but he just gave me some pills and told me to ‘Suck it up.”

James Crumbley

It has not been reported that attorneys for either of the Crumbleys have spoken about the sentence at this time.
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Authored by: Kay Johnson